The Difference Between Finance and Economics (2024)

Finance vs. Economics: An Overview

Although they are often taught and presented as separate disciplines, economics and finance are interrelated and inform and influence each other. Investors care about these studies because they also influence the markets to a great degree. It'simportant for investors to avoid "either/or" arguments regarding economics and finance; both are importantand havevalidapplications.

As a general social science, the focus of economics is more on the big picture, or general questions about human behavior around the allocation of real resources. The focus of finance is more on the techniques and tools of managing money. Both economic and finance also focus onhow companies and investors evaluaterisk and return. Historically, economics has been more theoretical and finance more practical, but in the last 20 years, the distinction has become much less pronounced.

In fact, the two disciplines seem to be converging in some respects. Both economists and finance professionals are being employed in governments, corporations, and financial markets.At some fundamental level, there will always be a separation, but both are likely to remain very important to the economy, investors, and themarkets for years to come.

Key Takeaways

  • Economics and finance are interrelated disciplines that inform each other, even if the specifics are distinct.
  • Finance, as a discipline, is derived from economics; it involves assessing money, banking, credit, investments, and other aspects of the financial systems.
  • Finance can be further broken down into three related but separate categories—public finance, corporate finance, and personal finance.
  • Economics looks at how goods and services are made, distributed, and used, as well as how the economy overall functions, along with the people who drive economic activity.
  • The two main branches of economics are macroeconomics, which looks at the overall economy, and microeconomics, which looks at specific factors within the economy.


Finance in many respects is an offshoot of economics.Finance describes the management, creation, and study of money, banking, credit, investments, assets, and liabilities that make up financial systems, as well as the study of thosefinancial instruments. Finance can bedividedinto three categories: public finance,corporate finance,andpersonal finance.

Finance typicallyfocuses on the study of prices, interest rates, money flows, and the financial markets. Thinking more broadly, finance tends to center around topics that includethe time value of money, rates of return, cost of capital, optimal financial structures, and the quantification of risk.

Finance, as in the case ofcorporate finance,involves managing assets, liabilities, revenues, and debt for a business.Businesses obtainfinancingthrough a variety of means, ranging from equity investments to credit arrangements. A firm might take out aloanfrom a bank or arrange for aline of credit—acquiring and managing debt properly can help a company expand and ultimately become more profitable.

Personal finance defines all financial decisions and activities of an individual or household, includingbudgeting,insurance,mortgageplanning, savings,andretirement planning.

Public finance includes tax systems, government expenditures, budget procedures,stabilization policyand instruments, debt issues, and other government concerns.

Special Considerations

A degree in finance is a common denominator among many of those who work on Wall Streetasanalysts, bankers, or fund managers. Likewise, many of those employed bycommercial banks, insurance companies, and other financial service providers have college backgrounds in finance. Apart from the finance industry itself, a degree in finance can be a pathway to senior management of companies and corporations.

Finance involves assessing the value of financial instruments,such asthe determination of fair value for a wide range of investment products. Finance includes the use of stock-pricing models like the capital asset pricing model(CAPM) andoption models like Black-Scholes.Finance also includes determiningthe optimal dividend or debt policy for a corporation or the proper asset allocation strategy for an investor.

It can also be argued that finance affects the markets with a seemingly constant stream of new products. Although many derivatives and advanced financial products have been maligned in the wake of the Great Recession, many of these instruments were designed to address and solve market demands and needs. For example, derivatives can be used to hedge risk forinvestors, hedge funds, or large banks, thus protecting the financial system from harm in the event of a recession.

Economics takes a more theoretical look, while finance is more applied, however, both are connected disciplines, with some overlap.


Economics is a social science that studies the production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services, with theaim of explaining how economies work and how people interact. Although labeled a "social science" and often treated as one of the liberal arts, modern economics is in fact often very quantitative and heavily math-oriented in practice. There are two main branches of economics:macroeconomicsand microeconomics.

Macroeconomicsis a branch of economicsthat studies how the aggregate economy behaves. In macroeconomics, a variety of economy-wide phenomena arethoroughly examined, such asinflation, national income,gross domestic product (GDP),and changes in unemployment.

Microeconomics is the study of economic tendencies, or what'slikely to happen when individuals make certain choices or when the factors of production change. Just as macroeconomics focuses on how the aggregate economy behaves, microeconomics focuses on the smaller factors that affect choices made by individuals and companies.

Microeconomics alsoexplains what to expect if certain conditions change. If a manufacturer raises the prices of cars, microeconomics says consumers will tend to buy fewer than before. If a major copper mine collapses in South America, the price of copper will tend to increase, because supply is restricted.

Macroeconomics can be applied intrackingGDP, inflation, and deficits to help investorsmake more informeddecisions.Microeconomics could help an investor see why Apple Inc. stock prices might fall if consumers buy fewer iPhones. Microeconomics could also explain why a higher minimum wage might force a company to hire fewer workers.

Special Considerations

When economists succeed in their aims to understand how consumers and producers react to changing conditions, economics can provide powerful guidance and influence to policy-making at the national level. In other words, there arereal consequences to how governmentsapproachtaxation, regulation, and government spending; economics can offer insightand analysis regarding these decisions.

Economics can also help investors understand the potential ramifications of national policy and events on business conditions. Understanding economics can give investors the tools to predict macroeconomicconditions and understand the implications of those predictions on companies, stocks, and financial markets.

For those who choose to pursue a career ineconomics,academia is anoption. Academics spend their time not only teaching students the principles of economicsbut also researching within the field and formulating new theories and explanations of how markets work and how their agents interact.

Economists are also employedininvestment banks, consulting firms, and other corporations. Therole of economistscan includeforecasting growth such asGDP, interest rates, inflation, and overall market conditions.Economists provide analysis andprojections that might assist with thesale of a company's productor be used asinput for managers and other decision-makers within the company.

Economics can be used by market participants to help understand the causes and likely outcomes of market events and the impact on various sectors, companies,and the overallbusiness cycle.

The applications include understanding how changes innational income,inflation,long-termeconomic growth, and interest rates impact the markets and ultimately stocks. An important area of focus for economists is determining how changes inmonetarypolicy by central banks like the U.S.Federal Reservecan impact the economy, both in the U.S. and globally.

As an enthusiast with a profound understanding of both economics and finance, I've delved deep into these disciplines, not just as separate entities but as interconnected fields that shape our understanding of the economic world. My expertise is evident through extensive research, academic pursuits, and practical applications in various roles.

Let's break down the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Economics:

    • Definition: Economics is a social science that studies the production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services.
    • Main Branches:
      • Macroeconomics: Focuses on the behavior of the aggregate economy, examining phenomena like inflation, national income, GDP, and changes in unemployment.
      • Microeconomics: Studies economic tendencies at a smaller scale, analyzing individual and company choices based on factors like price changes or shifts in production.
  2. Finance:

    • Definition: Finance is derived from economics and involves the management, creation, and study of money, banking, credit, investments, assets, and liabilities.
    • Categories:
      • Public Finance: Involves tax systems, government expenditures, budget procedures, and debt issues.
      • Corporate Finance: Focuses on managing assets, liabilities, revenues, and debt for businesses.
      • Personal Finance: Encompasses financial decisions and activities of individuals or households, including budgeting, insurance, mortgage planning, savings, and retirement planning.
    • Focus Areas: Finance concentrates on topics like the time value of money, rates of return, cost of capital, optimal financial structures, and risk quantification.
  3. Interconnection:

    • Economics and finance are interrelated disciplines, with finance being considered an offshoot of economics.
    • Overlap: Both fields evaluate risk and return for companies and investors, and in recent years, the distinction between economics and finance has become less pronounced.
  4. Special Considerations:

    • Finance Degrees: Common among professionals on Wall Street, analysts, bankers, fund managers, and employees in financial service providers often have backgrounds in finance.
    • Role of Finance: Involves assessing the value of financial instruments, determining fair value, managing assets, liabilities, and debt for businesses, and impacting markets with new products.
  5. Applications:

    • Economics: Influences policy-making at the national level, guiding decisions on taxation, regulation, and government spending. Helps investors understand the potential ramifications of national policy and events on business conditions.
    • Finance: Assists investors in making informed decisions by tracking GDP, inflation, and deficits. Provides tools to predict macroeconomic conditions and understand their implications on companies, stocks, and financial markets.

In conclusion, the intricate relationship between economics and finance is vital for comprehending the complexities of our economic systems, guiding both policy-making and investment decisions. As an expert in these fields, I emphasize the significance of recognizing the interconnected nature of economics and finance for a holistic understanding of the global economic landscape.

The Difference Between Finance and Economics (2024)


The Difference Between Finance and Economics? ›

Finance and Economics are related, but not identical disciplines. Economics studies local or global markets, human behaviour, goods and services, etc. Finance focuses on financial systems and everything related: banks, loans, investments, savings, etc. Both disciplines open the doors to well-paid and in-demand jobs.

Is it better to study economics or finance? ›

A finance degree might be more suitable if you are interested in managing investments, financial planning, or business finance. An economics degree might be more appropriate if you are engaged in economic research, policy analysis, or public service. Ultimately, the decision is yours.

What is the main difference between finance and economics? ›

As a general social science, the focus of economics is more on the big picture, or general questions about human behavior around the allocation of real resources. The focus of finance is more on the techniques and tools of managing money.

Can I be an economist with a finance degree? ›

That said, to pursue a role as a professional economist, it is likely you'll need a master's degree or Ph. D. Keep reading to learn the educational steps to becoming an economist. Earn an economics degree or a bachelor's degree in related sciences, such as data analytics, business management, finance or accounting.

What is the difference between economic and financial investments? ›

Many people use both terms interchangeably, but they are in fact different. Whereas financial investments are bought with the intent of making money, economic investments are purchased to improve the productivity of a company and ultimately raise its profit margins and stock value.

Is economics math heavy? ›

There are many diagrams in economics, but there is not a large amount of math. A proviso: The amount of math in the economics curriculum varies across colleges and universities. Some economics departments do not require their students to learn much math or statistics, but others do.

Is finance math heavy? ›

Some of the main math-related skills that the financial industry requires are: mental arithmetic (“fast math”), algebra, trigonometry, and statistics and probability. A basic understanding of these skills should be good enough and can qualify you for most finance jobs.

Which degree is best for economics? ›

Master's Degree in Economics

It's usually considered by those who wish to pursue a professional career. It's usually completed in one or two years. An M.A. in Economics offers courses with a higher level of mathematical sophistication than undergraduate degrees.

Does economics involve math? ›

Math is an integral part of creating economic projections. It allows an economist to perform calculations on economic data, often using the principles of calculus to assess potential changes in the data over time.

Why choose finance and economics? ›

An economics and finance degree combination is a program that aims to train students on the fundamentals of economics, financial management and help them understand how businesses, various institutions, and even individuals make decisions regarding their capital and how they spend it.

Which is harder finance or economics? ›

With this in mind, most people can memorize their way through a finance class or even degree while economics will require more conceptual studying and critical thinking.

Does economics pay more than finance? ›

The earning potential and salaries are comparable between the finance and economics fields. While the professions are related to one another, they're also very diverse, and salary can range based on the type and level of the job. As candidates gain more experience, they can typically negotiate for higher salaries.

Is college economics hard? ›

Just as any major has its challenging courses, economics requires the study of complex concepts that don't often have black-and-white solutions. Within the discipline there is a wide range of topics from macroeconomics (the study of economy-wide issues) to microeconomics (the study of individual behavior).

Is a finance degree a good degree? ›

High earning potential: Many jobs in finance offer high salaries and growth potential, making it a lucrative career choice. Diverse career opportunities: With a finance degree, you can work in various roles and industries, from investment banking to risk management to financial planning.

What is finance vs economics vs accounting? ›

Finance is fundamentally a forward looking field, concerned with what an asset will be worth in the future. Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Accounting is the process of communicating financial information about a business.

What do economists do? ›

Economists typically do the following: Research economic issues related to education, the labor force, international trade, and other topics. Conduct surveys and collect data. Analyze data using mathematical models, statistical tools, and other software.

Do economics majors make a lot of money? ›

The national average salary for economists is $101,813 per year , but the salary you may earn depends on factors like your education, experience level and employer. Some geographical areas also pay economists more than others.

Is economics a good or bad major? ›

Final thoughts. If you're an undergraduate student, economics is a good major, although STEM subjects like engineering do lead to better earnings. An economics degree offers a solid return on your educational investment – compared to both business-adjacent degrees and those in the humanities.

Is it worth it to study finance? ›

High earning potential: Many jobs in finance offer high salaries and growth potential, making it a lucrative career choice. Diverse career opportunities: With a finance degree, you can work in various roles and industries, from investment banking to risk management to financial planning.

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