Tft Piltover Cashout Table (2024)


Are you a fan of Teamfight Tactics (TFT) and looking to optimize your in-game earnings? Look no further! In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of the TFT Piltover Cashout Table, a valuable tool that can significantly enhance your gameplay experience. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, understanding how to utilize this table effectively can help you make informed decisions and ultimately boost your earnings. So, let's dive in!

1. What is the TFT Piltover Cashout Table?

The TFT Piltover Cashout Table is a resource that provides players with valuable information regarding the potential cash rewards they can obtain by selling their units at different stages of the game. It acts as a guide, offering insights into the most optimal times to sell units for maximum profit.

2. How Does the Piltover Cashout Table Work?

The table is divided into different stages of the game, from early to late. Each stage is further broken down into various rounds, allowing players to determine the best round to sell their units. By referring to this table, players can make informed decisions and avoid selling their units prematurely or missing out on potential profits.

3. Early Game Strategies

During the early game, it is crucial to accumulate gold and build a strong foundation for your team. The Piltover Cashout Table suggests that selling one-cost units after the first carousel round can be a wise move, as it allows you to gain additional gold and potentially upgrade your units. This strategy helps you maintain a healthy economy while preparing for the later stages of the game.

4. Mid Game Strategies

As the game progresses into the mid game, the Piltover Cashout Table advises players to consider selling two-cost units between rounds 2-1 and 2-5. This strategy allows you to generate additional income while also freeing up space on your bench for higher-cost units or potential synergies. However, it is crucial to evaluate the overall strength of your team before selling any units to maintain a competitive edge.

5. Late Game Strategies

In the late game, the Piltover Cashout Table becomes even more valuable. Selling three-cost units between rounds 4-1 and 4-5 can provide a substantial boost to your gold reserves, allowing you to make strategic decisions such as rerolling for specific units or leveling up. This stage requires careful consideration, as selling key units too early can hinder your chances of winning battles.

6. Factors to Consider

While the Piltover Cashout Table offers valuable guidance, it is essential to consider other factors that may influence your decision-making process. These factors include your team composition, the strength of your opponents, and the availability of high-cost units that complement your strategy. Evaluating these aspects alongside the table's recommendations will help you make well-rounded decisions.

7. Conclusion

Mastering the Piltover Cashout Table in TFT can significantly impact your gameplay and earnings. By understanding the optimal times to sell your units, you can maintain a strong economy, make strategic decisions, and increase your chances of success. Remember to adapt your strategies based on your unique circ*mstances and always keep an eye on the ever-changing game dynamics.


  1. Can I use the Piltover Cashout Table in every game of TFT? The Piltover Cashout Table can be used as a general guideline for most games of TFT. However, it's important to adapt your strategies based on the specific circ*mstances of each game.

  2. Is it always better to sell units according to the table's recommendations? While the table provides valuable insights, it is crucial to consider other factors such as team composition and the current state of the game. Use the table as a guide, but don't rely solely on it.

  3. Does the Piltover Cashout Table guarantee victory in TFT? No, the table is a tool to help you make informed decisions regarding selling units. Victory in TFT depends on various factors, including strategy, decision-making, and adaptability.

  4. Are there other cashout tables for different regions in TFT? Yes, each region in TFT has its own cashout table. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the specific table for the region you are playing in.

  5. Can I create my own cashout table for TFT? Absolutely! While the Piltover Cashout Table is widely used, you can create your own table based on your gameplay experience and preferences. Experimentation and adaptation are key in TFT.

Remember, the Piltover Cashout Table is a valuable resource, but it should be used in conjunction with your own strategies and decision-making abilities. By utilizing this tool effectively and adapting it to your unique circ*mstances, you can enhance your TFT gameplay and increase your chances of success. Happy gaming!

Tft Piltover Cashout Table (2024)


How does the T hex work? ›

How does the T-Hex work? The T-Hex is exclusive to the Piltover trait. When you have three Piltover units on the board, the T-Hex will spawn. Every time you lose a round, the T-Hex will gain a "Charge." When you win a round, those Charges convert into Power that makes the T-Hex stronger.

Why is magic banned in Piltover? ›

Magic, otherwise known as arcane or the arcane, is considered dangerous in both Piltover and Zaun. Due to its instability and difficulty to master, the Council has banned its study in the Academy.

How do I make my T Hex stronger? ›

As you lose rounds, the T-Hex builds up charges. Once you win a round, those charges are converted into Power, making the T-Hex stronger. You will also gain loot based on the charges you built up.

How do stacks work in League of Legends? ›

Stacks additively

When effects stack additively, the cumulative effect can be calculated simply by adding together each effect. Example: if your champion has two items granting +100 health each, your champion has 200 bonus health.

How do stacks work in league? ›

A stack refers to a buff or debuff that can be increased in count under certain circ*mstances. Stacking effects with durations will refresh per instance, unless otherwise stated. Stacking effects that time out will cause all stacks to expire at once.

How does Nasus get stacks? ›

  1. Nasus can gain Siphoning Strike stacks by killing any enemy unit, this includes champions, minions, monsters, wards, turrets, and. ...
  2. Siphoning Strike will not generate stacks from secondary units killed by other effects (e.g. ...
  3. applies to the entire damage of Siphoning Strike.
  4. Siphoning Strike can.

How did Zaun and Piltover split? ›

The excavations ended up making the land under the city unstable, and one day, entire districts of the River Pilt collapsed. These unfortunate parts of the city would evolve into the current Zaun, while the new Piltover would rise on the cliffs above.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.