Financial wellness experts reveal which lifestyle changes can help you save money in 2024 (2024)

Americans are coming up with new ways tocombat inflationthrough various budgeting hacks and experts say that a few behavioral and habitual modifications that push balance and commitment can save significant cash in 2024.

Larry Sprung, the bestselling author of “Financial Planning Made Personal,” told Fox News Digital that it is important to have a balance between living for now and saving for years down the line.

“You have to look at the monetary aspect of things, sure. But at the same time, you also have to look at the joy aspect and figure out a way to balance having a joyful life today and enjoying it all versus saving for the future, you know maybe for the future that hopefully you see. But you don’t want to be that person who scrounged for every dollar for when they retire, and they don’t make it,” he said.

Financial wellness expert Veetahl Eilat-Raichel listed several money hacks that consumers should prioritize in 2024, including a habit of viewing paid time off (PTO) in dollars versus days.

According to Veetahl, unused PTO is a liquid asset that can be cashed out and used to pay off your debts.

Employees can unlock approximately $3,000 per year by accessing their accrued PTO’s value.


“Imagine the possibilities if you were to put that money into a high-yield savings account, which can reap over 16 times MORE money over traditional savings accounts,” she said.

The CEO and co-founder of Sorbet also said a switch from “quiet luxury” to “loud budgeting” can be a helpful tip for financial well-being in the new year.

High inflation left many consumers with no choice but to rely on spending credit and increasing debt levels. While 2024 inflation rates are slowing down, it’s still the perfect time to adopt ‘loud budgeting’ by passing on extra excursions–like saying no to eating out at a restaurant and instead figuring out what you want and can afford to spend money on, without relying on continued borrowing,” she said.

The new trend called “loud budgeting”is gaining traction as a no-shame approach amid today’s personal finance realities.

TikTok posters, for example, are telling friends and family they can’t venture out for dinner, can’t buy brand-new clothes (they have to buy second-hand instead), and don’t have any extra cash to spend during the month after they pay their rent, car payments and credit card bills.

A recent survey from Bank of Americafound that a majority of Americans (81%) have set financial goals to achieve in 2024.

Furthermore, people are already putting budgeting to work in several ways, including spending less (59%), creating and sticking to a budget (48%), and keeping money in a high-yield savings account (33%).

Bank of America Head of Consumer and Small Business Products Mary Hines Droesch told Fox News Digital that for loud budgeting to be effective, a public commitment is necessary to achieve success.

Droesch also advised Americans to stick to the 50/30/20 rule, where 50% of after-tax income is used to cover needs, such as rent, utilities, and debt repayment, 30% is used for wants, like dining out, and the remaining 20% is put into savings.

“These percentages can always be adjusted to fit your current financial situation. For example, if you plan to travel in the new year, you may consider increasing the percentage that goes toward savings so you’re setting money aside to cover accommodations and sightseeing on your trip,” she added.

To determine what is mandatory in your budget, Droesch also suggested that people take on the challenge of a “spending fast or “no-spend period.”

“This personal finance technique allows you to control and understand your spending by cutting off any non-essential purchases for a specified length of time. Although it might seem daunting, the process can help make clear what you truly need and what you can live without in the new year,” she said.

The loud budgeting trend, according to experts, can be particularly beneficial for young Americans.


Credit Karma reported in 2023 that47% of Gen Z adultsand 36% of millennial adults admitted they had a friend who drove them to overspend, causing them to consider ending their friendships to avoid living beyond their means.

Courtney Alev, consumer financial advocate at Credit Karma, approves of loud budgeting because it discourages overspending and makes saving money attainable.

She also suggested that it challenges the idea that it’s embarrassing or taboo to admit to wanting to save and could empower people to be open about new ways not to overspend.


Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Advisor Brian Ford told Fox News Digital that a variety of factors have led young Americans to assess their spending, but said the loud budgeting trend can be beneficial to any age group.

“Economic challenges like repaying student loans, inflation, and the overall difficulty of making large purchases have led them here, where prioritizing their financial well-being is the goal,” he said.

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Sprung suggested that by declaring to friends and families you are committed to your goals and willing to skip events to deal with your finances, you are more likely to succeed in saving money.

Once that commitment is out there, people begin to believe that skimping on financial security would not only be a personal failure but would also let down those around them.


“There’s a level of accountability and almost as if they are going to work and striving harder to achieve that goal,” he said.

Ford noted that while having an open dialogue with friends or family may sound difficult, one should never feel ashamed for sticking to their financial resolutions.

However, he stressed that sharing too many details about daily expenditures or money habits could be problematic if it winds up in the hands of the wrong person.

As an experienced financial expert with a deep understanding of budgeting hacks and strategies, I can affirm that combating inflation requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond traditional methods. Larry Sprung, the bestselling author of “Financial Planning Made Personal,” rightly emphasizes the importance of striking a balance between current enjoyment and future savings. This resonates with the idea that financial success involves not only monetary aspects but also considering the joy aspect of life.

One effective strategy mentioned in the article is the concept of viewing paid time off (PTO) as a liquid asset, as highlighted by financial wellness expert Veetahl Eilat-Raichel. Unused PTO can be cashed out and used to pay off debts, providing an additional source of funds. Eilat-Raichel also emphasizes the potential benefits of placing this money into a high-yield savings account, which can yield significantly more returns compared to traditional savings accounts.

The article introduces the concept of "loud budgeting," a trend gaining traction in response to high inflation rates. This approach involves openly communicating financial constraints and commitments, as seen in examples on TikTok where individuals disclose their financial decisions to friends and family. The shift from "quiet luxury" to "loud budgeting" encourages responsible spending, reducing reliance on credit and decreasing debt levels.

Bank of America's survey reveals that a majority of Americans have set financial goals for 2024, with various budgeting strategies in action. The 50/30/20 rule, recommended by Bank of America Head of Consumer and Small Business Products Mary Hines Droesch, allocates income percentages to needs, wants, and savings, providing a structured approach to budgeting.

Droesch also suggests the effectiveness of a "spending fast" or "no-spend period" to gain control over spending habits. This technique involves cutting off non-essential purchases for a specified period, helping individuals discern essential needs from non-essentials.

The article underlines the relevance of loud budgeting, especially for young Americans facing economic challenges such as student loan repayment and inflation. Credit Karma's findings in 2023 indicate that a significant percentage of Gen Z and millennial adults admit to being influenced by friends to overspend. Loud budgeting is seen as a positive response, discouraging overspending and making savings more achievable.

Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Advisor Brian Ford acknowledges the economic challenges faced by young Americans and supports the loud budgeting trend for its potential benefits. Ford emphasizes the importance of open dialogue about financial goals with friends and family, creating a sense of accountability and motivation to achieve savings targets.

In conclusion, the strategies outlined in the article, from viewing PTO as a liquid asset to adopting loud budgeting, align with proven financial principles and behavioral modifications that can effectively combat inflation and promote financial well-being in 2024.

Financial wellness experts reveal which lifestyle changes can help you save money in 2024 (2024)
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